Message Abstraction

Message - abstraction of a message



import messaging.message as message

# constructor + setters
msg = message.Message()
msg.body = "hello world"
msg.header = {"subject" : "test"}
msg.header["message-id"] = "123"

# fancy constructor
msg = message.Message(
    body = "hello world",
    header = {
        "subject" : "test",
        "message-id" : "123",

# getters
if (msg.body) {
id = msg.header["message-id"]

# serialize it
# serialize it and compress the body with zlib
msg.serialize({"compression" : "zlib"})
# serialize it and compress the body with lz4
msg.serialize({"compression" : "lz4"})
# serialize it and compress the body with snappy
msg.serialize({"compression" : "snappy"})


This module provides an abstraction of a message, as used in messaging, see for instance:

A message consists of header fields (collectively called “the header of the message”) and a body.

Each header field is a key/value pair where the key and the value are text strings. The key is unique within the header so we can use a dict to represent the header of the message.

The body is either a text string or a binary string. This distinction is needed because text may need to be encoded (for instance using UTF-8) before being stored on disk or sent across the network.

To make things clear:

  • a text string (aka character string) is a sequence of Unicode characters
  • a binary string (aka byte string) is a sequence of bytes

Both the header and the body can be empty.

Json Mapping

In order to ease message manipulation (e.g. exchanging between applications, maybe written in different programming languages), we define here a standard mapping between a Message object and a JSON object.

A message as defined above naturally maps to a JSON object with the following fields:

the message header as a JSON object (with all values being JSON strings).
the message body as a JSON string.
a JSON boolean specifying whether the body is text string (as opposed to binary string) or not.
a JSON string describing how the body has been encoded (see below).

All fields are optional and default to empty/false if not present.

Since JSON strings are text strings (they can contain any Unicode character), the message header directly maps to a JSON object. There is no need to use encoding here.

For the message body, this is more complex. A text body can be put as-is in the JSON object but a binary body must be encoded beforehand because JSON does not handle binary strings. Additionally, we want to allow body compression in order to optionally save space. This is where the encoding field comes into play.

The encoding field describes which transformations have been applied to the message body. It is a + separated list of transformations that can be:

base64 encoding (for binary body or compressed body).
lz4 compression.
snappy (
utf8 encoding (only needed for a compressed text body).
zlib compression.

Here is for instance the JSON object representing an empty message (i.e. the result of Message()):


Here is a more complex example, with a binary body:


You can use the Message.jsonify() method to convert a Message object into a dict representing the equivalent JSON object.

Conversely, you can create a new Message object from a compatible JSON object (again, a dict) with the dejsonify() method.

Using this JSON mapping of messages is very convenient because you can easily put messages in larger JSON data structures. You can for instance store several messages together using a JSON array of these messages.

Here is for instance how you could construct a message containing in its body another message along with error information:

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json
import time
# get a message from somewhere...
msg1 = ...
# jsonify it and put it into a simple structure
body = {
    "message" : msg1.jsonify(),
    "error"   : "an error message",
    "time"    : time.time(),
# create a new message with this body
msg2 = message.Message(body = json.dumps(body))
msg2.header["content-type"] = "message/error"

A receiver of such a message can easily decode it:

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json
# get a message from somewhere...
msg2 = ...
# extract the body which is a JSON object
body = json.loads(msg2.body)
# extract the inner message
msg1 = message.dejsonify(body['message'])

Stringification and Serialization

In addition to the JSON mapping described above, we also define how to stringify and serialize a message.

A stringified message is the string representing its equivalent JSON object. A stringified message is a text string and can for instance be used in another message. See the Message.stringify() and destringify() methods.

A serialized message is the UTF-8 encoding of its stringified representation. A serialized message is a binary string and can for instance be stored in a file. See the Message.serialize() and deserialize() methods.

For instance, here are the steps needed in order to store a message into a file:

  1. transform the programming language specific abstraction of the message into a JSON object
  2. transform the JSON object into its (text) string representing
  3. transform the JSON text string into a binary string using UTF-8 encoding

1 is called Message.jsonify(), 1 + 2 is called Message.stringify() and 1 + 2 + 3 is called Message.serialize().

To sum up:

        Message object
             |  ^
   jsonify() |  | dejsonify()
             v  |
      JSON compatible dict
             |  ^
 JSON encode |  | JSON decode
             v  |
         text string
             |  ^
UTF-8 encode |  | UTF-8 decode
             v  |
        binary string

Copyright (C) 2012 CERN

class messaging.message.Message(body='', header=None)

A Message abstraction class.


Returns the body of the message.


Returns a clone of the message.


Check if the message is equal to the given one.


Returns the body of the message.


Return the header of the message.


Is it a text message?


Return the header of the message.


Is it a text message?


Transforms the message to JSON.


Return the checksum of the message.


Serialize message.


Set the message body to new value.


Set the message header to new value.


Set if the message is text.


Returns an approximation of the message size.


Transforms the message to string.


Is it a text message?


Returns a message from json structure.


Deserialize a message.


Destringify the given message.


Returns True is the string is ascii.


Check if given string is a byte string.

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